Deposit Tracking

DQAS (Deposit Quality Assurance System) allows banks to track and image deposit documents such as as deposit account agreements, certificate of deposit disclosures, and other customizable documents tracked by the bank. Like LQAS, it also generates exception reports, coming due reports, customer letters, etc. DQAS can be used as a stand-alone system or be integrated with LQAS. Using both systems together allows the bank to consider compensating balances, customer profitability, and pricing. It also enables the tracking and imaging of each document for the entire customer relationship with the bank. With embedded imaging, deposit signatures (as well as other documents) can be reviewed in less than two seconds at any branch location.


  • Line sheets
  • Exception reports
  • Coming due reports
  • Exception letters
  • Coming due letters
  • Automated bank defined checklists
  • SIC tracking
  • Embedded imaging*
  • Barcode imaging and retrieval*
  • Custom fields
  • Multiple search fields

* With document imaging option